2016 Goals

Last year I decided to make goals instead of resolutions. for me, a goal tends to be a lot less intimidating, and a resolution sounds so formal and almost takes the fun out of it for me.

I did quite alright on my goals for 2015, and I even checked in halfway through the year to check up on how things were going. you can check out those two posts here and here.

I took blogging a little more seriously in 2015 than I had in the past, but there is still some more work I can put into it. I did however make a few changes in the appearance of the blog, and I still have some work to do on it, but I am very happy with the outcome so far. If anyone has any suggestions or has any skills to lend me a hand in making a blog banner, I would love the help or advice.
Now, lets get into this year's goals.

Here are my 2016 Goals:
Spend at least an hour a day doing something for myself. This sounds like a selfish goal, but I definitely feel like an hour a day is pretty reasonable. It doesn't have to be an hour all at once, but maybe 15 minutes in the morning, 30 minutes after work, and 15 minutes before bed. Taking that little bit of time for myself is really something I have felt like I've needed lately; quiet time, journaling time, blogging time.

Keep dating my husband. This is something I am really looking forward to this year. Before Eric and I got married, and even before we got engaged, we loved going on dates. Heck, it was the majority of our time spent together in the beginning of our relationship. I don't want to lose that sense of dating my husband, just because we are married now.

Be adventurous in the kitchen. Spending time in the kitchen is not one of my favorite things to do, but I have recently been really enjoying it. Maybe it's because Eric is home more and we are getting into more of a routine, but I am really excited to start making more memories in the kitchen in 2016.

Build our Savings Account. Pretty self explanatory.
What are some of your Goals for 2016? 
I might add a few more to mine as the year goes on, but I am pretty excited for the start of the new year, and focusing more on making myself, and my husband happier and healthier in 2016.



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1 comment:

  1. I really like your goals, they're both totally achievable and important. I think it's important to keep up date nights and be good to yourself. Best of luck in 2016 xx

    Sophie Elizabeth
