
Mondays for most people are the day they dread the most... the day that starts their work week after spending a lovely 48 hours doing the things they love with who they love. Ironically for me, Mondays are my most favorite day. 9 times out of 10, Monday is one of my days off and I get to spend it with Eric. we usually run errands together, spend time with family, or take Izzyour 5 year old Rottweilerto the park.
I feel bad for Monday having such a bad reputation, so I wanted to take the time today to write a blog about my favorite things to do on a Monday and share with you a few ideas how you too, can celebrate MONDAY and the start of a new week!
  • wake up early and spend a little alone time doing something you love
  • drink an extra cup of coffee in the morning to have more energy for the day
  • go get ice-cream with a friend or loved one
  • take your dog for a walk
  • plan your meals for the week.
  • watch your favorite movieor read your favorite book cuddled in bed

what are your favorite things to do on Mondays—or whatever day your work week starts?
any morning rituals that keep you sane and not stressed for the rest of the day?
share them with me in the comments.
Disclaimer: image found on Pinterest.


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