Yesterday marked the first day of summer, so I thought it would be fitting to share my seasonal bucket list! If you know me in the least, you will know that I love jotting down things every season I want to do, or see before the next season, so summer was no exception! Here in Florida, summer gets hot, I mean really hot, so the beginning of summer is always enjoyable, and then halfway through, I am so over it and ready for the crisp Fall nights. I am looking forward to spending some Summer Nights with friends, family and my husband to share food and fun.
Here are some of the things I am looking forward to this season:
FireWorks. Summer makes me think of having a weekend BBQ and watching fireworks. I have not gotten to enjoy a night of fireworks in a couple of years, and I am putting this at the top of my list to experience again with my husband. 4th of July can't come soon enough. I can see us stocking up on sparklers and drinking wine with our family.
Bowling. I'm not the best bowler, and I'm not the biggest fan of playing more than one game, but I do enjoy the atmosphere and playful vibes of a bowling alley. The nachos and hot dogs are calling my name right now, lol. I would love to get mine and Eric's family together for a Family Night of Bowling this summer! Who's in??
Camping. I never in a million years would have thought I would look forward to camping, but after our first time camping together, it seems like Eric and I have gone camping almost every year since. We go to the springs that is not too far from us and go tubing down the river during the day, and cook out and play games at night. One year, we even had a movie night after hanging up a white sheet and projecting a movie on it.
Watermelon. Summer and watermelon go hand-in-hand. We have enjoyed our first watermelon of the season, and I can't wait to have more! I have been researching recipes and drinks to incorporate this delicious Summer treat into everything. My Pinterest board is all watermelon-ed out! Watermelon cupcakes, watermelon cookies, smoothies, cocktails, anything and everything WATERMELON!
Class. Eric and I did a painting class a while ago for his aunt's birthday, it was so much fun and I have wanted to do it again, but this time with my mommy! I would love to have a fun mommy-daughter night that we can enjoy some snacks and share a bottle of wine while painting. Let's make it happen, momma!
What are some of the things on your Summer Bucket List?
I would love to know what you will being doing to enjoy this Summer season.
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