Here are some of my favorite binge-worthy
Netflix picks:
Fixer Upper. This is a new addition to my Netflix
List, and I am truly a fan. I love this show so much because of Chip and
Joanna's relationship. They are hilarious together, and truly compliment each
other. Joanna's home decor and styling technique draws me in to each episode
every time I turn it on.
Grey's Anatomy. Hands down my favorite TV
show. I have watched this series from the beginning on live tv, and have
multiple seasons on DVD. I even got Eric into the series. I admittedly have
fallen off the wagon with the live episodes, but love this series with all my
Jane the Virgin. Another recent find, Jane is an easy to
love character, with the telenovela storyline and dramatic plot twists, you
never know what could happen in Jane's life next. The second season is live on
the CW currently, so I am not up to date, but the first season is amazing.
House of Cards. The ugly side of politics has never been
so captivating than it is in this series. You learn how to lovingly hate Frank
Underwood, and keep coming back to watch him manipulate politics in such a way that
you can't look away. It's ridiculously addicting.
Fuller House. This is a 90's kid dream come true, and
this week will become a reality. Fuller House is coming to Netflix February
26th, and I will be one of the many binge watching the heck out of this show.
Same house, new generation! I can't wait.
What are your favorite
Netflix shows I need to start binge-watching immediately?
Let me know in the
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